This 20-year project will be launched wednesday Sept 10th. It is the biggest experiment ever to be conducted to explore the how the universe was created. Physisits hope to answer questions like the existance of matter which can not be seen "dark matter" and mirocospic black holes. The Particles will be traveling near the speed of light when they colide. Basicly they hope to recreate the conditons right after the "big bang". WOW! very impressive. Scientists have garenteed that their experiment will be safe and hope to gain valauble knowledge.
My question is are we tampering with the wrong black hole? what if we find something so mind bowing it will change the world as we know it? Or destroy it. This is dangerous grounds we are stepping on if something should go wrong the world migh be swallowed whole. I guess this is a chance we might have to take. Now that this project is underway I really want to see what comes from it. Its a scene straight from a science fiction movie. This massive machine will reval its powers on wednesday so stay tuned.

The question is will the world be englufed into a balck hole once the machine is turned on?

Watch video of Atom Smasher