Pattie Corbett, 50, trained for the lightweight bodybuilding division and won first place and overall bodybuilding competition at the San Jose Bodybuilding Championships.

The Governator of California (at San Jose State for Olympics kick off headquarters) refused to address any questions about pay cuts in for state employees, however he posed nicely for his photo OP.

Tahitian Dance Competition

San Jose Sikh Gurdwara (making daily Roti for the free lunch)

Hopie Spitshard

Thanks to all the great photo staff and photographers at the Mercury News who have mentored me. please visit our website

The Governator of California (at San Jose State for Olympics kick off headquarters) refused to address any questions about pay cuts in for state employees, however he posed nicely for his photo OP.

Tahitian Dance Competition

San Jose Sikh Gurdwara (making daily Roti for the free lunch)

Hopie Spitshard

Thanks to all the great photo staff and photographers at the Mercury News who have mentored me. please visit our website